
Home » 7 Foods You Can Eat As Much Without Gaining Any Weight

7 Foods You Can Eat As Much Without Gaining Any Weight

Is it really true that excess of everything is bad! Nonetheless that’s surely not what holds true for these wonder foods. However, there is no account of any such thing that exists as zero-calorie diets, there are special foods that you probably can consume in abundance with your desire without any anxiety or stress of weight gain on your body.

The science fundamental behind this is the statistic that these specific foods are rich in fibre content and keep your tummy full and hunger away for lengthy hours.

Hence, after sometime you will halt yourself and not desire for additional eating. Nevertheless, they are both healthy and wholesome so your body gains much more than just fibre.

We have compiled a brief list of these foods that you can consume as much as you want and need not worry or stress about any weight gain. Have a look at the list below:

1. Boiled potatoes

The first ingredient in this list is surprisingly the high-starch and high-carb potatoes, that are generally in the ‘must not eat’ list. Though, boiled potatoes are certainly not as damaging. They are extremely wholesome and healthy and are holding the number one position on the satiety index.

Here, the resistant starch of the boiled potatoes acts like soluble fibre and helps in keeping you satiate for longer time period. Refrigeration and re-heating boiled potatoes rises their resistant starch content, consequently, they work as a superior option in dealing with hunger pangs.

2. Eggs

Eggs are unbelievably healthy and they are filled with all the vital nutrients that the body requires. However, eggs have been quite criticized in the past, still they stand out as one of the foods that have maximum nutritional value. In actual fact, the partial protein of the egg is present in its yolk. And it is another established fact, they are enormously substantial when consumed as a diet. Popular studies have showed that people who eat eggs for breakfast consumed lesser calories during the day. These people also have shown a lower BMI when compared to the rest.

3. Fish

Fish is an abundant source of omega 3 fatty-acids and protein. It supports in keeping people with obesity sated for longer period. On the satiety index, fish graded higher than other high-protein supplementary foods. It is established by several statistics that people who consume fish in one meal would consume lesser calories for the subsequent meal.

4. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese or paneer is moderately low in calories and extremely rich in protein content together with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B. Paneer ranks as high as eggs, on the satiety index.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn is a complete wholegrain food item that contains more fibre content than any of the other snacks. They are super rich in size and really low in calories as a result of which they take up a significant share of place in the stomach and are still counts low on calories when it comes to gaining body weight or adding fat. Air-popped popcorn is the one of the healthiest assortments. Microwavable market popcorn is rich in calories and preserved with chemicals that can be cancer-causing.

6. Lean meats

Lean meats are rich in protein content, high-satiety diet food. Individuals on high-protein foods have a tendency to eat smaller portion than the rest. In a study, it was found that people who consume a high-protein diet during lunch-time and consume 12% lesser for dinner-time than individuals who had a high-carb diet during the lunch-time. Beef recorded the second-highest rank in the catalogue of protein-rich foods. Nevertheless, chicken and pork are two food products that help in weight loss.

7. Broth-based soups

Liquids are generally well-thought-out to be less substantial than solid foods items. Though, research confirms that soups can be more satisfying than other alternate of solid foods. Regular soup consumption as your diet routine can bring down your hunger pangs significantly and help greatly in weight loss over time. Stick to broth-based broths as an alternative of the rich creamy ones.


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