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What are the Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women

An individual suffers a heart attack when the stream of oxygen-rich blood to a section of the heart muscle is abruptly jammed and their heart fails to receive oxygen. If the flow of blood is not brought back fast, this blood deprived unit of the heart muscle starts to die. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is known to be as one of the most leading causes of heart attacks.

CHD is a state wherein the main blood vessels that work as a source of oxygen for the heart become congested with deposits of cholesterol. Myocardial infarction is categorized into three kinds, mild, moderate, and severe built on the harm produced to heart.


A heart attack befalls at a time when one or more coronary arteries become blocked. Over a period, coronary artery can get constricted as a result of the build-up of numerous materials, together with cholesterol (atherosclerosis). This state is termed as a coronary artery disease. All through a heart attack, one of these plaques can get ruptured and spill out cholesterol and additional substances into the bloodstream. A blood clot builds up at the spot of the rupture. The larger clots can entirely block the stream of blood through the coronary artery.

Vital factors that are associated with amplified hazard of a heart attack are listed below, such as:

  • Age – growth in age deteriorates the condition of heart muscles or build-up of plagues
  • Diabetes
  • Ingesting tobacco in any form, either chewable or smoked
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Genetics – family history also rises the risk
  • Heart surgical treatment
  • High blood pressure
  • High levels of cholesterol
  • Obesity


Diagnosis takes in tests to detect the underlying root and rule out additional heart conditions with comparable warning signs. The tests that can be undertaken to determine the state of heart and its functioning (normal or abnormal) are listed below:

• Cardiac enzymes test

Blood test for the existence of a few enzymes that outflow into the blood if heart is damaged.

• CT scan

To identify the heart complications, together with the level of damage from heart attacks.

• Echocardiogram

To recognize precisely which part of heart has been damaged by heart attack.

• Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

Records the electrical activity of heart by means of electrodes attached to the skin.

• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MRI of the heart provides more clear imaginings of the heart.

• X-ray

Chest X- ray runs the specifics of the proportions of heart, blood vessels and existence of fluid in the lungs.


Treatment is subjected to the severity of the ailment. The core objective is to avoid additional harm to the heart and to bring back the flow of the blood fast, for which there are quite a few medicines and surgical treatments available.


Heart attack can be critical and the outcome can be various complications including:

  • Arrhythmia – irregular heartbeat, where the heart starts beating faster and faster, then suddenly stops beating (cardiac arrest)
  • Cardiogenic shock – the heart muscles are harshly damaged and can no more contract right
  • Heart rupture – the heart muscles, walls or valves split away from each other (rupture)

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Some of the preventive measures that can help to overcome heart attack risks are listed below:

  • Avoid strain and practice on managing your anxieties
  • Consume a well-balanced and healthy diet
  • Must take sufficient rest and a peaceful sleep
  • Must keep your blood pressure in control
  • You must keep your alcohol intake low
  • You need to maintain your diabetes under control
  • You must avoid smoking
  • Maintaining a healthy weight of the body
  • You must maintain the optimum levels of blood cholesterol
  • Try and stay active: you must keep yourself involved in adequate physical exercises


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